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IVFDaily has developed a list of topics to reflect treads of research or publications.
Each topic contains links to articles (either open-access review articels or recent publicatons) or webinars
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_NEW PROJECT [Clinical Female ,0] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Embryo Culture - Individual x group Culture. [Embryology ,591] [ :0, :2, : 0]
PGT-A - blastocoel biopsy [Embryology ,591] [ :0, :2, : 0]
Fertility and micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs), [Clinical Female ,588] [ :0, :2, : 0]
Oocyte Marutation [Embryology ,587] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Embryo Transfer - Sequential Transfer [ART Treatment ,586] [ :0, :1, : 0]
Embryo Transfer - Cleavage stage transfers. [Embryology ,585] [ :0, :1, : 0]
PGT-A - for RPL and RIF [ART Treatment ,584] [ :0, :2, : 0]
ART Risks associated with the use of donor sperm and oocytes [ART Treatment ,583] [ :3, :0, : 0]
Follicle perivascular support [Embryology ,582] [ :0, :2, : 0]
Embryo Development - Poor quality or slow embryos [Embryology ,580] [ :0, :3, : 0]
Female Fertility and Menopause Management [Clinical Female ,0] [ :0, :0, : 1]
Sperm Selection by Sperm Selection Software (SiD) [Andrology ,575] [ :0, :2, : 1]
ART and endangered species [Basic science/Training ,] [ :0, :0, : 3]
Male Fertility and Covid/Vaccines [Andrology ,] [ :0, :0, : 1]
The IVF Laboratory - Vitrificatrion lab [Embryology ,0] [ :0, :0, : 3]
The IVF Laboratory - Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). [Embryology ,] [ :0, :0, : 2]
The IVF Laboratory - Andrology laboratory [Andrology ,0] [ :0, :0, : 2]
Fertilization Failure [Embryology ,571] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Embryo Culture - Reduced oxygen concentrations [Embryology ,568] [ :2, :0, : 2]
The IVF laboratory - Genetics [Embryology ,] [ :0, :0, : 12]
The IVF Laboratory - CryoStorage [Embryology ,] [ :0, :0, : 13]
ART- Conference Highlights [ART Treatment ,] [ :0, :0, : 10]
ART and regional ART services [ART Treatment ,] [ :0, :0, : 2]
Premature Progesterone Rise [ART Treatment ,567] [ :3, :2, : 0]
Embryo Development - Cytoplasmic strings [Embryology ,566] [ :1, :3, : 0]
AI - iDAScore for Embryo Selection. [Embryology ,578] [ :5, :1, : 3]
Embryo biopsy [Embryology ,0] [ :0, :0, : 2]
Cryopreservartion - Ultrafast Vitrification [Embryology ,565] [ :0, :2, : 0]
PGT-A : Trophectoderm Biopsy [Embryology ,584] [ :3, :4, : 3]
Fertility Preservation - Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation [Clinical Female ,591] [ :1, :2, : 0]
Embryo development - The role of the trophectoderm [Embryology ,562] [ :0, :3, : 0]
Oocyte vitrification [Embryology ,554] [ :2, :2, : 0]
Phthalate exposure and reproductive health [Patient Care ,553] [ :0, :1, : 0]
Cryopreservation - impact of embryo storage [Embryology ,550] [ :0, :1, : 0]
ART and STD [ART Treatment ,548] [ :0, :2, : 0]
ART Children and autism [Patient Care ,539] [ :2, :2, : 0]
Male Infertility and (genetic) counselling [Nursing and Counselling ,536] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Endocrinology - gonadotrophins [ART Treatment ,535] [ :1, :1, : 0]
ART Risks associated with FET therapy [ART Treatment ,582] [ :6, :5, : 0]
Embryo Development - blastocyst collapse and Artificial shrinkage [Embryology ,534] [ :1, :1, : 0]
PGT-P - polygenic risk scores in embryo screening [Embryology ,413] [ :2, :0, : 0]
AI and the embryology laboratory [Embryology ,589] [ :1, :10, : 7]
Fertility Preservation and autologous sperm cryostorage [Andrology ,528] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Natural Conception after ART/IVF [ART Treatment ,528] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Female Fetility and genetics [Clinical Female ,525] [ :0, :2, : 0]
Semen Quality and male age [Andrology ,520] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Oocyte Donation (OD) [ART Treatment ,572] [ :1, :4, : 0]
Primary Ovarian Insufficiency [ART Treatment ,526] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Seminal microbiome [Andrology ,517] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Psychological aspects of infertility [Patient Care ,512] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Postmortem fertilization [ART Treatment ,568] [ :1, :1, : 0]
POR- Double stimulation (DuoStim ) [ART Treatment ,574] [ :5, :1, : 0]
TESA and surgical sperm retrieval techniques for nonobstructive azoospermia [ART Treatment ,551] [ :1, :6, : 0]
Stem cells - postnatal oogenesis [Embryology ,508] [ :0, :1, : 0]
Medically assisted reproduction (MAR) with sperm donation [ART Treatment ,508] [ :0, :1, : 0]
The IVF Laboratory - Embryo Culture - Mineral Oil [Embryology ,506] [ :2, :0, : 2]
Blastocyst Culture - single versus sequential. [Embryology ,506] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Empty Follicle Syndrome [Embryology ,505] [ :2, :1, : 0]
ART and the Mediterranean Diet [Patient Care ,579] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Mitochondria [Embryology ,465] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Sperm Concentration [Andrology ,486] [ :1, :2, : 0]
Male fertility as a marker for health [Clinical Male ,579] [ :1, :3, : 0]
ART Risks associated with IVF therapy [ART Treatment ,582] [ :1, :8, : 0]
Embryo Development - noninvasive methods for assessing gametes and embryos? [Embryology ,476] [ :2, :0, : 0]
The IVF Laboratory -electronic witnessing [Quality/Clinic Management,557] [ :2, :1, : 6]
Sex determination and development [Patient Care ,473] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Natural Cycle IVF [ART Treatment ,470] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Sperm phenotyping [Andrology ,468] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Spare embryos [Nursing and Counselling ,479] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Male Fertility and COVID [Clinical Male ,529] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Legal, registries and Social [Quality/Clinic Management,553] [ :1, :2, : 0]
Embryo Transfer - Cleavage x Blastocyst Transfer [Embryology ,563] [ :4, :5, : 0]
Infertility Improvement after Medical Weight Loss in Women and Men [Clinical Female ,459] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Male fertility and glucagon-like peptides [GLP-1) [Clinical Male ,459] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Female fertility and glucagon-like peptides [GLP-1) [Clinical Female ,459] [ :4, :0, : 0]
PGT-A [Embryology ,582] [ :11, :12, : 4]
Male endocrinology - AMH [Clinical Male ,456] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Oocyte meiotic spindle morphology, imaging and assessment [Embryology ,455] [ :4, :0, : 0]
Oocyte quality - Non-invasive assessment [Embryology ,455] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Embryo Development - Assisted Hatching [Embryology ,455] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Sperm donation - donor-conceived adults [Patient Care ,572] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Sperm RNA [Andrology ,564] [ :3, :6, : 0]
Ovarian reserve [ART Treatment ,570] [ :1, :9, : 0]
Male fertility preservation and restoration strategies. [Clinical Male ,453] [ :2, :1, : 1]
Sperm Quality and male age [Andrology ,509] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Male Infertility and the uterine environment [Clinical Male ,448] [ :1, :0, : 0]
AI and male infertility [Clinical Male ,589] [ :3, :5, : 0]
Family Planning [Patient Care ,529] [ :2, :0, : 0]
PCOS - Individual Management [Patient Care ,517] [ :5, :1, : 0]
Enucleated oocyte donation [Embryology ,445] [ :3, :0, : 0]
Embryo Development - Mosaic embryos and embryo transfer [Embryology ,586] [ :4, :2, : 0]
Basic Genetics [Basic science/Training ,214] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy [Embryology ,575] [ :2, :8, : 1]
Pregnancy - Cell-Free Fetal DNA (cffDNA) Fraction [Clinical Female ,444] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Genetics- Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia [ART Treatment ,441] [ :4, :0, : 0]
Male Infertility - genetics [Clinical Male ,557] [ :3, :9, : 0]
Male Fertility and nonobstructive azoospermia [Clinical Male ,550] [ :1, :2, : 0]
Embryo Development and Cell Lineage [Embryology ,562] [ :3, :0, : 0]
Embryo development - Plasticity and epigenetics [Embryology ,507] [ :1, :3, : 0]
Sex Selection at time of transfer [Nursing and Counselling ,432] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Ovarian aging [Clinical Female ,580] [ :6, :8, : 1]
Adjuvants to stimulation - DHEA and Androgens [ART Treatment ,452] [ :3, :1, : 2]
ART for Genetic Disorders [ART Treatment ,426] [ :1, :0, : 0]
PGT-Carrier screening for genetic risk in IVF [ART Treatment ,571] [ :6, :4, : 0]
Oocyte cryopreservation [Embryology ,526] [ :2, :2, : 2]
Morphokinetic analysis of human embryos [Embryology ,417] [ :3, :0, : 0]
Offspring of gamete and embryo donation. [Patient Care ,518] [ :2, :2, : 0]
In Vitro Sperm Production [Andrology ,424] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Navigating fertility dilemmas [Patient Care ,413] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Sperm Morphology - normal values [Andrology ,557] [ :7, :9, : 0]
Placenta Biology [Embryology ,497] [ :2, :5, : 0]
Sperm Defects - Causes and Genetics [Andrology ,511] [ :1, :5, : 0]
Epigenetics and male health/cancer [Clinical Male ,567] [ :2, :1, : 0]
Basic ICSI [Basic science/Training ,406] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Semen Quality and Lfestyle [Andrology ,405] [ :3, :0, : 0]
Female Fertility and Female Health [Clinical Female ,484] [ :2, :6, : 0]
Parental Age in Reproductive Genetics, selfish gene selection [Clinical Male ,520] [ :3, :1, : 0]
Uterine Fibroids [Clinical Female ,468] [ :1, :2, : 0]
IVA - in vitro follicle activation [Embryology ,400] [ :3, :0, : 0]
Acccess to Fertility Services [Patient Care ,559] [ :1, :4, : 0]
ART and Cryptozoospermia [Andrology ,398] [ :3, :0, : 0]
Male Infertility and STD [Clinical Male ,575] [ :3, :3, : 0]
Gynecological Cancers [Clinical Female ,390] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Male reproductive health [Clinical Male ,511] [ :2, :3, : 0]
Male fertility and diabetes [Clinical Male ,483] [ :3, :2, : 0]
Female Fertilty and diabetes [Clinical Female ,254] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Female Fertility and cancer [Clinical Female ,453] [ :1, :3, : 0]
Cryopreservartion -the basics [Basic science/Training ,554] [ :4, :1, : 4]
ART and pateint information and decisions [Patient Care ,565] [ :2, :4, : 0]
Male Fertility and diet. [Clinical Male ,545] [ :2, :4, : 0]
Microsurgery x IVF [ART Treatment ,377] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Fertility and mental health [Patient Care ,400] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Embryo Development - Paternal influence [Embryology ,492] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Teratozoospermia [Andrology ,373] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Menstruation [Clinical Female ,469] [ :2, :1, : 0]
Male Fertility and Physical Exercise [Clinical Male ,509] [ :3, :2, : 0]
Oocyte Activation [Embryology ,508] [ :3, :4, : 1]
ART and Cannabis [ART Treatment ,346] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Sex determination [Embryology ,499] [ :2, :1, : 0]
Feto-maternal microchimerism [Embryology ,320] [ :1, :0, : 0]
ART and Single Oocyte cycles [ART Treatment ,317] [ :1, :0, : 0]
PCOS and IVF Management [ART Treatment ,590] [ :3, :9, : 0]
Sperm Quality and Diet [Clinical Male ,482] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Optimal Number of Oocytes to fertilise [ART Treatment ,316] [ :1, :0, : 0]
In vitro spermatogenesis [Andrology ,525] [ :3, :2, : 0]
Microsurgical anastomosis [Clinical Female ,309] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Seminal Plasma Exposure and IVF [ART Treatment ,557] [ :1, :2, : 0]
LH concentration and ART [ART Treatment ,305] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Semen Quality - Abstinence time with semen quality [Andrology ,498] [ :1, :1, : 8]
Sperm Selection by microfluidics [Andrology ,593] [ :2, :8, : 3]
Embryo arrest [Embryology ,288] [ :5, :0, : 0]
Macroprolactinemia [Clinical Female ,189] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Blastocyst Biology [Embryology ,508] [ :3, :7, : 0]
Pregnancy after ART [Clinical Female ,503] [ :2, :8, : 0]
ART and BMI [ART Treatment ,441] [ :2, :2, : 0]
Embryology and Training/Education. [Basic science/Training ,274] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Genetic counseling [Nursing and Counselling ,582] [ :4, :7, : 3]
PGT-M. Testing for monogenic or single gene disorders [Embryology ,544] [ :10, :7, : 2]
COVID-19 and ART/pregnancy [Patient Care ,574] [ :4, :5, : 2]
Adjuvants to stimulation - Growth Hormone [ART Treatment ,519] [ :2, :3, : 0]
Ovulation [Embryology ,577] [ :2, :3, : 0]
Rescue ICSI [ART Treatment ,513] [ :1, :2, : 0]
ART and Oxidative Stress [ART Treatment ,480] [ :3, :1, : 0]
Fallopian Tube and Oviductal environment [Embryology ,498] [ :3, :2, : 0]
Preimplantation embryo biology [Embryology ,261] [ :3, :0, : 0]
The Epididymis [Andrology ,530] [ :3, :1, : 0]
Reproduction in life and death - Cancer and Preservation. [Patient Care ,256] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Microbiome in reproduction and fertility [Patient Care ,515] [ :5, :2, : 1]
Follicle recruitment and development [Embryology ,571] [ :9, :20, : 0]
Male infertility and oxidative stress [Clinical Male ,254] [ :1, :0, : 0]
POR - Poor Ovarian Responders [ART Treatment ,562] [ :3, :6, : 0]
POR - POSEIDON Criteria for Low Prognosis Patients [ART Treatment ,548] [ :7, :3, : 0]
Male contraception: [Clinical Male ,420] [ :2, :1, : 0]
Luteal Progsterone [ART Treatment ,513] [ :4, :3, : 0]
Insemination - ICSI x IVF for non-male factor infertility. [ART Treatment ,592] [ :6, :3, : 0]
Y chromosome microdeletions and ART [Clinical Male ,493] [ :6, :1, : 0]
Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA), [Clinical Female ,245] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. [Clinical Female ,245] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Probiotics and fertility [Patient Care ,260] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Management of male erectile dysfunction [Clinical Male ,473] [ :3, :3, : 1]
Endometrial receptivity array (ERA) and ART [ART Treatment ,526] [ :4, :3, : 0]
Adjuvants to stimulation - platelet rich plasma [ART Treatment ,562] [ :6, :15, : 0]
Oocyte Quality, Health and assessment [Embryology ,558] [ :2, :1, : 0]
Gamete Donors - Carrier screening. [Embryology ,243] [ :3, :0, : 0]
Male Infertility: APHRODITE criteria [Clinical Male ,481] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Male fertility and the environment [Clinical Male ,582] [ :8, :12, : 2]
Male fertility and cancer [Clinical Male ,512] [ :2, :3, : 0]
Male fertility and BMI/Obesity [Clinical Male ,414] [ :3, :1, : 0]
Stem cells and ART [ART Treatment ,409] [ :3, :0, : 0]
Fertilization - Polyspermy [Embryology ,561] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Testis Biology and Men's Health. [Clinical Male ,503] [ :8, :1, : 0]
Social ART [Nursing and Counselling ,571] [ :1, :4, : 0]
Male Infertility [Clinical Male ,563] [ :12, :20, : 1]
Azoospermia [Clinical Male ,511] [ :3, :5, : 0]
Disorders of sex development and female fertility [Clinical Female ,230] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Obesity on male fertility [Andrology ,229] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Early pregnancy loss [Patient Care ,428] [ :4, :2, : 0]
Cryptorchidism, and male infertility [Clinical Male ,433] [ :6, :2, : 0]
Sperm Donors [Nursing and Counselling ,519] [ :1, :7, : 0]
Sperm and oxidative stress. [Andrology ,269] [ :2, :0, : 2]
WHO and semen analysis. [Andrology ,589] [ :4, :1, : 0]
Oocyte Aging. [Embryology ,430] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Male fertility and lifestyle [Patient Care ,574] [ :6, :3, : 0]
Female fertility and lifestyle. [Patient Care ,567] [ :6, :7, : 0]
Female fertility and the environment. [Patient Care ,579] [ :11, :9, : 0]
Male Fertility and Paternal Age [Clinical Male ,506] [ :0, :2, : 1]
Mild versus conventional ovarian stimulation [ART Treatment ,249] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Oocyte Development and Viability. [Embryology ,536] [ :2, :5, : 0]
Fertilization - fresh x donor sperm [Embryology ,424] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Sperm Proteomics [Andrology ,223] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Pioneers. [Basic science/Training ,536] [ :20, :1, : 1]
Male reproductive disorders. [Clinical Male ,587] [ :4, :3, : 0]
Female Fertility and Adenomyosis [Clinical Female ,567] [ :9, :7, : 13]
Female Fertiity and BMI and obesity [Clinical Female ,587] [ :4, :5, : 0]
The IVF laboratory - Sustainability [Quality/Clinic Management,221] [ :1, :0, : 3]
Fertility Preservation.and oocyte cryopreservation. [Patient Care ,563] [ :1, :11, : 0]
Male fertility and the environment. [Patient Care ,444] [ :4, :2, : 0]
Management of Peyronie's Disease [Clinical Male ,219] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Hypogonadism and testosterone replacement therapy [Clinical Male ,422] [ :3, :1, : 0]
Vasectomy and Vasovasostomy [Clinical Male ,420] [ :3, :1, : 0]
endometrial scratching [ART Treatment ,] [ :0, :0, : ]
Telomere Length and Male (in)Fertility [Andrology ,592] [ :4, :2, : 0]
Sperm phospholipase Czeta and Oocyte activation [Embryology ,235] [ :6, :0, : 0]
Sperm Capacitation, Motility and the acrosome reaction. [Andrology ,590] [ :3, :3, : 1]
Availability, effectiveness and safety of ART [ART Treatment ,559] [ :1, :1, : 0]
IUI [ART Treatment ,491] [ :4, :2, : 0]
Sperm Mitochondria [Andrology ,497] [ :2, :1, : 0]
Cryopreservation-Effect of double vitrification and warming. [Embryology ,457] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Blastocysts, PGS and Freeze-all [Embryology ,501] [ :1, :2, : 0]
Activity and trends [Quality/Clinic Management,521] [ :2, :3, : 0]
Epigenetics and ART [Embryology ,464] [ :10, :0, : 0]
ART and Preconception Care [Patient Care ,494] [ :4, :4, : 0]
Nursing Education [Nursing and Counselling ,499] [ :3, :1, : 0]
Monozygotic twinning and ART [ART Treatment ,452] [ :4, :0, : 0]
ART Counselling [Nursing and Counselling ,573] [ :5, :8, : 0]
Recurrent miscarriage [Clinical Female ,551] [ :6, :5, : 1]
Follicle health and metabolism [Embryology ,558] [ :8, :11, : 0]
Semen Quality and mens health (physical and mental) [Andrology ,589] [ :12, :9, : 0]
embryo DNA and genetics [Embryology ,196] [ :1, :0, : 0]
X-chromosome inactivation and reactivation [Embryology ,539] [ :6, :3, : 0]
Sperm DNA Damage and Male Health [Clinical Male ,539] [ :3, :2, : 0]
Paternal Age and ART [ART Treatment ,515] [ :3, :2, : 0]
Severe male factor and IVF [Clinical Male ,482] [ :3, :2, : 0]
History of IVF [Basic science/Training ,225] [ :2, :0, : 1]
POR - AMH and AFC as markers of ovarian response. [ART Treatment ,589] [ :8, :18, : 1]
Female reproductive endocrinogy [Clinical Female ,463] [ :2, :3, : 0]
The IVF Laboratory - Handling errors [Quality/Clinic Management,195] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Sperm Vitality and Necrozoospermia [Andrology ,195] [ :1, :0, : 0]
POR - Premature Ovarian Failure [Clinical Female ,465] [ :9, :4, : 0]
Embryonic stem cells and post implantation embryos [Embryology ,196] [ :3, :0, : 0]
Cumulative Pregnancy Rates [ART Treatment ,586] [ :4, :5, : 0]
MicroRNAs in ART/Implantation. [Embryology ,536] [ :4, :2, : 0]
Fertilization - Assisted oocyte activation [Embryology ,580] [ :1, :4, : 0]
Fresh Transfers versus Freeze All and FET [ART Treatment ,519] [ :2, :3, : 0]
ART and Transgender and nonbinary females. [Patient Care ,535] [ :7, :7, : 0]
Endometrial scratching in women undergoing IVF/ICSI [ART Treatment ,522] [ :4, :1, : 0]
Supplements and male health [Clinical Male ,194] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Uterus transplantation [Clinical Female ,576] [ :6, :3, : 0]
Ethics and ART [Quality/Clinic Management,550] [ :12, :13, : 0]
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) [ART Treatment ,529] [ :3, :6, : 0]
Female fertility and the genital microbiota (the microbiome) [Clinical Female ,584] [ :4, :3, : 1]
AI - Embryo selection through artificial intelligence. [Embryology ,576] [ :5, :5, : 0]
Sperm Function - HOS test [Andrology ,193] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Male reproductive ageing [Clinical Male ,536] [ :3, :2, : 1]
Female reproductive ageing [Clinical Female ,506] [ :5, :2, : 0]
Management of elevated Sperm DNA Fragmentation [Clinical Male ,193] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Varicocele and Semen Profile/ART [Clinical Male ,532] [ :7, :5, : 1]
Basic Follicle and ovarian biology [Basic science/Training ,502] [ :5, :1, : 0]
Unexplained Infertility [Clinical Female ,588] [ :4, :6, : 0]
Oocyte Cryopreservation for Medical and Planned Indications [ART Treatment ,513] [ :7, :7, : 0]
Preserving male fertility [Clinical Male ,386] [ :4, :0, : 0]
Endocrine disruptor chemicals on oocyte/embryo and clinical outcomes in IVF [ART Treatment ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Embryo Development - DNA damage and repair [Embryology ,192] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Oocyte and embryo arrest [Embryology ,211] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Declining Sperm Counts? [Clinical Male ,494] [ :12, :2, : 1]
Embryo Culture and environmental effects [Embryology ,499] [ :1, :2, : 0]
Time-Lapse and embryo selection. [Embryology ,568] [ :5, :7, : 0]
Endometrium and receptivity [ART Treatment ,495] [ :10, :4, : 4]
Client response to adjuvants to ART procedures [Nursing and Counselling ,245] [ :2, :0, : 0]
IVM - In vitro maturation of oocytes and follicles [Embryology ,546] [ :8, :9, : 1]
Progesterone. [ART Treatment ,567] [ :1, :7, : 1]
The Luteal phase and the role of Progesterone [ART Treatment ,190] [ :1, :0, : 3]
Fertility preservation [ART Treatment ,551] [ :13, :7, : 6]
Management of recurrent implantation failure (RIF) [ART Treatment ,372] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Management of Poor Responders [ART Treatment ,193] [ :4, :0, : 0]
Reception of Oocytes from the Partner (ROPA) [Nursing and Counselling ,451] [ :2, :0, : 0]
The IVF Laboratory - Embryo Culture Medium [Embryology ,555] [ :5, :5, : 4]
Ectopic Pregnancy [ART Treatment ,240] [ :3, :0, : 0]
ART and Antisperm Antibodies [Andrology ,572] [ :2, :3, : 0]
Surrogacy [Patient Care ,582] [ :7, :6, : 1]
Embryo Development - Oxidative Stress in Oocytes and Embryos [Embryology ,412] [ :5, :1, : 1]
Embryo Development - Zygote - the first 24 hours. [Embryology ,591] [ :2, :2, : 0]
Zona Pellucida [Embryology ,581] [ :4, :3, : 0]
Gynaecology [Clinical Female ,482] [ :8, :0, : 1]
Extracellular Vesicles and Sperm Development [Andrology ,549] [ :0, :1, : 0]
Extracellular Vesicles and Embryo Development/Implantation. [Embryology ,591] [ :6, :7, : 2]
Fertilization from a Sperm Perspective [Andrology ,561] [ :8, :3, : 0]
Maternal Age [ART Treatment ,478] [ :1, :1, : 0]
PCOS [Clinical Female ,575] [ :27, :25, : 0]
Endometriosis [Clinical Female ,580] [ :29, :35, : 2]
ART and the Environment [Patient Care ,578] [ :1, :9, : 0]
Cryopreservation-Male Gamete/tissue [Andrology ,591] [ :1, :6, : 1]
Ultrasound [ART Treatment ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Sperm DNA Fragmentation [Andrology ,585] [ :11, :12, : 0]
Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) [ART Treatment ,582] [ :7, :12, : 1]
Insemination - ICSI - Current and technolgies. [Embryology ,561] [ :5, :3, : 4]
Endometrial Thickness [ART Treatment ,564] [ :1, :8, : 1]
Mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRT) [ART Treatment ,571] [ :7, :5, : 0]
Oocyte Collection [ART Treatment ,535] [ :1, :2, : 6]
Embryology as a career [Embryology ,195] [ :2, :0, : 7]
ART and time to Pregnancy [ART Treatment ,517] [ :1, :1, : 0]
COVID, Vaccines and IVF [ART Treatment ,527] [ :5, :6, : 1]
Sperm/Male Impacts of fertilisation and early development [Andrology ,572] [ :3, :4, : 0]
Donor eggs and embryos [Embryology ,531] [ :1, :5, : 0]
Surgical Sperm Collection [ART Treatment ,511] [ :6, :8, : 0]
Embryo secretome [Embryology ,593] [ :0, :4, : 0]
Uterine, cervical and vaginal environment [ART Treatment ,493] [ :1, :4, : 0]
Endocrinology and hormone concentrations [ART Treatment ,558] [ :5, :3, : 2]
Sperm Selection in vivo [Andrology ,473] [ :1, :2, : 0]
Emerging technologies [Embryology ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Early Pregnancy [ART Treatment ,518] [ :0, :6, : 0]
Quality Management, [Quality/Clinic Management,412] [ :4, :1, : 14]
Sperm Selection of Microinjection. [Andrology ,503] [ :10, :8, : 4]
Patient Information. [Nursing and Counselling ,515] [ :3, :3, : 4]
ART and Society [Patient Care ,452] [ :1, :1, : 2]
ART and Cancer. [Patient Care ,510] [ :2, :4, : 1]
Current Topics - Euploidy x Aneuploidy [Embryology ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
ART and Freeze-All Cycles [ART Treatment ,538] [ :6, :1, : 0]
Embryo Transfer - SET versus DET [ART Treatment ,462] [ :2, :1, : 0]
MCE Journal Club [Basic science/Training ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Implantation [Embryology ,572] [ :6, :5, : 3]
The IVF Laboratory - KPIs and Benchmarking [Quality/Clinic Management,230] [ :2, :0, : 7]
Gamete/Embryo Preservation [Embryology ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Genetics [Embryology ,511] [ :1, :1, : 0]
Nursing [Nursing and Counselling ,] [ :0, :0, : 1]
Embryology [Embryology ,453] [ :2, :2, : 1]
IVFCPD Journal Club [Basic science/Training ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Andrology [Andrology ,254] [ :3, :0, : 0]
SIRT Projects [Basic science/Training ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Adjuvants to stimulation and ART procedures [ART Treatment ,532] [ :6, :3, : 0]
Pregnancies and Children [ART Treatment ,499] [ :3, :2, : 0]
AI, algorithms and IVF. [Embryology ,593] [ :8, :33, : 7]
IVF Activity Reports [Quality/Clinic Management,226] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Case Reports [ART Treatment ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Cycle Management. [ART Treatment ,238] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Sperm Collection for IVF [Andrology ,488] [ :0, :1, : 0]
Noninvasive Biomarkers for Human Embryo Potential [Embryology ,578] [ :13, :5, : 0]
LIfestyle and Enviromnent [Patient Care ,469] [ :12, :1, : 0]
miRNA [Andrology ,572] [ :3, :3, : 0]
Time-Lapse Embryo Culture [Embryology ,572] [ :3, :9, : 4]
The Past [Basic science/Training ,190] [ :3, :0, : 2]
ART and Pretreatment management. [ART Treatment ,543] [ :4, :0, : 2]
Psychosocial Stress and IVF Treatment [Nursing and Counselling ,421] [ :7, :1, : 0]
Natural Fertility [ART Treatment ,528] [ :1, :0, : 0]
Basic embryology [Basic science/Training ,536] [ :23, :8, : 0]
Guidelines [Quality/Clinic Management,538] [ :19, :6, : 0]
Gamete and embryo donation. [Nursing and Counselling ,450] [ :4, :2, : 3]
Breaking Projects [Basic science/Training ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Sex ratios, Gender and embryo culture. [Embryology ,496] [ :3, :3, : 0]
Markers of oocyte quality. [Embryology ,193] [ :2, :0, : 0]
Embryo Transfer - FET - frozen embryo transfers [ART Treatment ,567] [ :7, :15, : 1]
Embryology 201 [Embryology ,540] [ :6, :1, : 0]
Management of ART cycles. [ART Treatment ,335] [ :3, :0, : 2]
Mens Health and ART [Clinical Male ,260] [ :10, :0, : 4]
ART Children [Patient Care ,593] [ :19, :26, : 0]
Fertilization [Embryology ,567] [ :15, :6, : 3]
Basic Sperm Biology [Basic science/Training ,479] [ :7, :9, : 0]
Semen Analysis Training and Proficiency [Basic science/Training ,498] [ :7, :3, : 7]
Embryo Development - Mosaic embryos [Embryology ,560] [ :9, :4, : 6]
Ovarian stimulation. [ART Treatment ,578] [ :9, :33, : 3]
ART Outcomes [ART Treatment ,474] [ :1, :4, : 1]
Endometrial thickness and ART outcomes [ART Treatment ,573] [ :7, :4, : 1]
Embryo Transfer [ART Treatment ,581] [ :6, :13, : 3]
Genetic analysis of the embryo. [Embryology ,576] [ :18, :26, : 4]
The Future [Basic science/Training ,587] [ :12, :2, : 2]
Webinars and Podcasts [Basic science/Training ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
The IVF Laboratory [Quality/Clinic Management,541] [ :7, :8, : 25]
Cryopreservation. [Embryology ,553] [ :5, :8, : 7]
Uterine Factors and Infertility [Clinical Female ,570] [ :6, :5, : 0]
Insemination - IVF x ICSI. Sperm Processing [Andrology ,538] [ :1, :5, : 0]
Follicles, Ovulation and fertilisation. [Embryology ,590] [ :8, :3, : 0]
Implantation/Embryo Transfer. [ART Treatment ,463] [ :1, :0, : 1]
Embryo Culture [Embryology ,588] [ :8, :5, : 12]
Euploid embryos. [Embryology ,578] [ :2, :13, : 1]
Embryo Development [Embryology ,572] [ :6, :23, : 2]
Current Topics- Embryo mosaicism [Embryology ,] [ :0, :0, : 0]
Fertility Nursing 101 [Nursing and Counselling ,231] [ :1, :0, : 1]
Andrology 101 [Basic science/Training ,545] [ :5, :1, : 1]
Embryology 101 [Embryology ,232] [ :16, :0, : 1]
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