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Advanced Publications
About Webinars
Free Access
Journal List
How Daily Works.
Daily is a private activity developed by FertAid and IVFCPD.
  There are so many publications released each year. These have been increasing until 2023 where there as a small decrease.

The number of publications linked to "IVF" search in Pub Med by year.

The number of Free Text and Free Text Review publications are also shown.

Searches for other key words will produce different numbers but similar profile!

  The majority of publications are subscriber based articles where only the abstract is freely available.
  A growing number are now published as open-access or free publications which means that anyone can read them.
  However an even smaller number are published as open-access review articles. It is these articles that IVFDAILY Text Book seek to collate.
Aims and Purpose.
Vassily's primary aim is to collate publicly available information specifically on IVF/ART and more generally on fertility and infertility.
IVFDAILY does not publish information directly but collates links from a variety of professional sources and bundles these into a structured environment for easy access to anyone keen to learn more about human reproduction.
IVFDAILY allows a browser to review a number of current articles on a theme in a structure and enduring manner.
IVFDAILY allows browser to keep track of articles they have selected both to return to the same article and to document for professional development purposes.
What Resources Does IVDAILY Access?
IVFDaily reviews
1. Most scientific and medical journals that specialist in IVF/ART/Fertility?Infertility
2. A large number of other journals publishing articles related topics that may include articles on ART and Fertility/Infertility when such articles appear on IVFDaily's regular searches.
3. Professional Internet sites that specialize in ART content and publish audio/visual material.
4. Other related professional general Internet web sites that summarize recent publications and are freely available.
What Information does IVDAILY collect an Collate?
1. Primarily, IVFDaily collate OPEN-ACCESS or Free articles
2. IVFDAILY does not include in its TextBook functions, links to subscriber only articles since they cannot be read by the general public.
3. The URL of webinars and podcasts to allow users to review these audio/visual productions.
4. Where publicly available, IVFDAILY may embed the webinars to allow users to review the production and record and document their professional activity at their discretion.
The Cost of IVFDAILY?
At present, during its development, access to IVFDAILY is free to all browsers.
It does not track which links to articles you have selected.
However, if you wish to keep track of the articles you have reaad, you will need to register and subscribe.
A professional fee of $100pa or 2 coffees/month, allow browsers to open all the links in the collection and maintain a record of which articles you have read for CPD purposes.
Access requires you to subscribe each year
HOWEVER, if you think this is a valuable resource and would like free access, encourage your suppliers to contact IVFDAILY!
TextBook is an attempt to collate a lot of disparate Online-access reviews into a structured format to make it easier to browsers to quickly find one or more articles of interest about a specific topic.
The primary structure is a broad number of sections e.g. Mens Health or embryology. Each section contains a dynamic number of chapters. Each chapter contains the title and DOI of the reference thats all (at present). The browser can then open to article to read. Knowing where it is allows one to return and repeat.
On advantage of a structured is that an organization can use the list to create an ordered teaching program or an orientation program for new staff. There are other activities can could be developed around the chapters concept in IVFDaily. Contact IVFDaily with your ideas.
Of course, this list of articles in any chapter merely reflects those that have been found by IVFDaily. If there are other links that you may consider of interest to other browsers, you can select Contribute to alert IVFDaily to its presence.
Most have an embedded link that allows the webinar to play inside IVFDaily. The advantage of this is that IVFDaily can confirm you watched it and the duration of viewing. As a result you can document this for CPD purposes and for this you need an IVFDaily professional subscription.
The other advantage of using IVFDaily is to order and catalogue them. They can be used for training and orientation.
Advanced Publications
There are so many articles being published, how can anyone keep up. If you are working In a specific area than maybe you can but an IVF clinic covers such a broad area that staff need to be current this make it impossible.
Another option is Advanced Publications.
In this function, Daily reviews the publication list of a number of journals daily to capture the most recent publications. Only the title, journal and DOI are captured and allocated to a coding that is broader than that for IVFTextbooks. They are organized by day of entry into IVFDaily. This allows the browser to quickly view the topic being covered each day. These publications have just been accepted by the journal and loaded onto their website. The link is to the article as displayed by the journal web site.
However, the list could very quickly become enormous so IVFDaily keeps this links for about 90 days and then deletes them. It is not a reference center merely a temporary listing. It is designed to be viewed daily.
Access to the current listing are freely available but previous days listing require an active subscription.
The same subscription fro textbooks applies to advanced publications. If you have a browser subscription, the links are available but no record is kept of those opened. If you have a professional subscription, then IVFDaily will keep record of the links you have opened (for as long as the link is retained) to allow you to print your reading list for CPD documentation.
About Webinars
This section includes links to both webinars and podcasts.
Webinars are the 'new kid on the block". Most are prepared by dedicated IVF Webinar organizations or commercial company's as part of their education programs. Only the ones that are freely available are collected in IVFDaily.
Most are posted on YouTube and are freely available to everyone. Because of this, IVFDaily provides a link to either their original viewing platform or their YouTube location.
Free Access
IVFDaily allows limited browsing without an subscription
These include
1 A limited Textbook chapters or where IVFDaily is seeking contributions to the collection.
2. The current days Advanced publication. If you return each daily you can view thee current Advanced collection without subscription. Note however, that links may be added throughout the day.
3. YouTube or the webinars home page
About Journals sourced by IVFDAILY
IVFDAILY has conducted searches on key words for some time. Articles on IVF and fertility/infertility issues, on ethics and management have been published in the most amazing locations.
Some journals are dedicated to IVF and Human Fertility. These journals are reviewed regularly for new content and past open-access reviews.
Other journals publish over a wide range of reproduction and others are general medical and scientific journals. All have on occasion, published articles about IVF or gametes/embryos, etc.
Articles in IVF and fertility have been located by key word searches or reference links.
All the sources journals used by IVFDAILY are listed with a link to their home page for your use at any time.
How you can help - Contribute
IVFDAILY is the first to acknowledge that its list are limited and many other review articles remain in the internett. If you know of or have published and open-access review article that you think others may link, just send IVFDAILY the title and DOI and if deemed appropriate, it will be added to the textbook list.
How you can help - BE A SPONSOR
IVFDAILY is a private initiative of FERTAID. If you think this is a valuable resource and should remain free, become a sponsor.
IVFDAILY has at present created three levels of sponsorship and created a location in the footer of eadh page to ercognise your support.
Please contact IVFDAILY at offic@fertaid.com or post an enquiry via the CONTACT form below.
© FertAid Pty Ltd. 2002 - 2024 - all pages. All rights reserved.
This web site is NOT intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please direct all medical inquiries to your doctor.