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How Daily Works.
Daily is a private activity developed by FertAid and IVFCPD.
TextBook is an attempt to collate a lot of disparate Online-access reviews into a structured format to make it easier to browsers to quickly find one or more articles of interest about a specific topic.
The primary structure is a broad number of sections e.g. Mens Health or embryology. Each section contains a dynamic number of chapters. Each chapter contains the title and DOI of the reference thats all (at present). The browser can then open to article to read. Knowing where it is allows one to return and repeat.
On advantage of a structured is that an organization can use the list to create an ordered teaching program or an orientation program for new staff. There are other activities can could be developed around the chapters concept in IVFDaily. Contact IVFDaily with your ideas.
Of course, this list of articles in any chapter merely reflects those that have been found by IVFDaily. If there are other links that you may consider of interest to other browsers, you can select Contribute to alert IVFDaily to its presence.
Most have an embedded link that allows the webinar to play inside IVFDaily. The advantage of this is that IVFDaily can confirm you watched it and the duration of viewing. As a result you can document this for CPD purposes and for this you need an IVFDaily professional subscription.
The other advantage of using IVFDaily is to order and catalogue them. They can be used for training and orientation.
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This web site is NOT intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please direct all medical inquiries to your doctor.